Vintage ho scale model railroad trains - collector, Ho scale model trains are 1/87 the size of real trains and 1/2 the size of o scale model trains (ho stands for "half o"). as with o scale trains, the letter "o" in ho.
Ho scale budd mid-train domes - rapido trains inc., Ho budd mid-train domes rapido trains inc. is delighted to announce our next offering of individual budd passenger cars – the mid-train dome! our budd mid-train.
Collectible brass model trains - collectors weekly, After world war ii, american gi train buffs stationed in japan could not help but notice the high quality of the brass model trains being produced by local craftsman..
Hogtrainz, Sells a wide variety of ho and g scale buildings, passenger sets, locomotives and trailers..
Indian motorcycle express collectible ho-scale electric, Shop the bradford exchange online for indian motorcycle express train collection. the indian motorcycle® is an american legend, and now this bold ho-scale electric.
Classic trains, Phone (626) 482-7975 welcome to classic trains american "s" gauge, made by classic trains "realistic 2-rail track & switches for all brands of s-trains".
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